We quickly learn that multinational companies and businessmen have played their part in the Earth's downfall and one does begin to wonder why The Doctor hangs around for so long. Simon Messingham, the author of this audio exclusive, ventures to tell is why: 'cos he wants to know, he has to. And that's very Doctor~ish, regardless of how small~scale something may be, if something's wrong he's in there like the proverbial dog eating beetroot.
But it still doesn't feel like an adventure
he would have, there's nothing
essential about the dilemma faced by the characters. I guess I'm just used to the drama of every day
New Who where every moment could be his (or someone else's) last. There's a couple of gripping moments, namely the 'scary' start with appropriate sound effects and the excellent cliff~hanger featuring a superb reveal of the 'monster' but other than that, it's small beans.

Tennant is a joy, as always, to listen to though his own accent does creep into that of The Doctor's on a number of occasions - the director really should have picked up on that. But it's not enough to lift
Day of the Troll off the page and despite mentions of
Rose and the
Krynoids (good name for a band there), the
interest~o~meter rarely goes above "interested".
Thanks to BBC Audio