Executive produced by Steven Moffat, and written by James Moran (Torchwood, Doctor Who), this third installment of the four-part series is called TARDIS – and will, for the first time, offer fans the opportunity to fly the blue box which is bigger on the inside.“TARDIS is a brilliant, brilliant adventure” says Steven Moffat. “It’s funny, touching, terrifying, amazing – everything a Doctor Who episode should be. Since 1963, kids have wondered what it would be like to control the TARDIS. Now we're handing complete control of the most powerful ship in all of space and time to a generation of children. Everybody duck!"With the TARDIS stuck in a riptide, and the Doctor sucked into space, Amy Pond must explore the secrets of the time machine in order to restore normality. The adventure will uncover the secrets of the TARDIS, unveil two brand new monsters – and allow players to pilot the TARDIS themselves.James Moran’s madcap script takes players on a frantic, funny and altogether surprising adventure which could only be told by a Doctor Who story. With full virtual likenesses of Matt Smith and Karen Gillan, and music from Murray Gold, this adventure is as much a part of the Doctor Who legend as the TV series.
Labels: adventure games episode three, doctor who computer game, doctor who the adventure games, dr who computer game, james moran, TARDIS, tardis game