BBC 50th Anniversary plans

With next year seeing a special anniversary for Doctor Who, much interest has been given over to exactly what the BBC plan to do in celebration of the world's greatest television show. Earlier today, market researchers GFK posted the following in its MediaView Appreciation Survey:
2013 will be the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who. For all of the programmes listed below please say how likely you are to watch:
A one-off Doctor Who special on BBC One.

The making of the one-off Doctor Who special on BBC Three.

A documentary about the science of Doctor Who with Professor Brian Cox on BBC Four.

The Doctor Who Proms concert from the Royal Albert Hall featuring music from the series.
Very special thanks to ConstellationScorpio for this info.

Just to be clear, GFK wouldn't be asking this question unless prompted to do so. Mark Gatiss has also hinted that he is writing a "genesis of Doctor Who" type docu-drama for BBC Four, listen to his interview HERE. Here's Blogtor's list of 50 Things I'd Like To See in the 50th Anniversary!

UPDATE: Doctor Who Brand Manager Ed Russell (follow him on Twitter HERE) got in touch to say the proposed shows are "false".

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