The Doctors Revisited - The Fourth Doctor

Included in the player below is another promotional trail for the fourth episode of the BBC America series, The Doctors Revisited. This installment looks at The Fourth Doctor, as played by Tom Baker - who you can see in the promo along with Tenth Doctor, David Tennant. It also features features exclusive interviews with Steven Moffat, producer Marcus Wilson and companion Louise Jameson. 

The Doctors Revisited - The Fourth Doctor airs on Sunday April 28 at 8/7c and is followed by the classic story, Pyramids of Mars.

Next month, it's The Fifth Doctor and his special features interviews with Peter Davison, Steven Moffat, Hugh Bonneville (The Curse of the Black Spot, A Good Man Goes To War), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa) and Mark Strickson (Turlough) among others. An airing of The Fifth Doctor story Earthshock follows. Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited – The Fifth Doctor premieres Sunday, May 26, 8:00pm ET/PT.