PREVIEW: Tenth Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver Universal Remote

Hand supplied by Andrew Green

Recently, Blogtor got the chance to check out the The Tenth Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver Universal Remote courtesy of The Wand Company and Firebox, available for pre~order now HERE. Last year saw the hugely popular Eleventh Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver Universal Remote (review HERE) from the same people and they've followed it up with an even better bit of tech. Blogtor got to sit and chat with Richard Blakesley, Chris Barnardo and Andrew Green from The Wand Company to find out more about their latest product.

Powered by a rechargeable battery (that you charge with a standard USB), this is a 1:1 replica of the very sonic that David Tennant used back in the Noughties. In fact, Tennant kindly lent The Wand Company his own sonic screwdriver from which the measurements were made along with a 3D scan (shortly before the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special was filmed, fact fans!); "We were amazed we got it!" the guys commented.

As with the previous sonic universal remote, it's gesture-based, comes with different operational modes (including "practise" for the less techno-literate out there) and an array of sonic screwdriver sounds. Along with the numerous sounds from the Tenth Doctor era, the sonic also boasts a fantastic collection of classic Doctor Who noises, including some from Fury From The Deep, The Dominators, The Sea Devils and more!


Doctor Who sound effects editor Paul Jefferies teamed up with The Wand Company and gave them access to the archives after every mention of the sonic was tracked down in episode scripts and sourced. It's this attention to detail that greatly impressed me, it seems the guys really care about giving something to the fans that will really resonate. Director Chris Barnardo told me, "It's no bullshit to say we really care about the experience of the person buying this will have. All the way through the production process we've thought about the experience; the look and the feel, the way it's packaged and presented. We want a product that's just right."

The sounds can be turned on and off, for whatever mood you see fit. Despite its primary function as a universal remote control, The Wand Company also see the immense use their sonics have as a cosplaying tool, due to the detail and accuracy of the product. For example, the crackleglaze was photographed many times, so it will be the exact same pattern as David's very own sonic - though the handmade nature of the original sonics used in the show mean that there could be slight differences between the various screwdrivers seen on screen.

This time around, the sonic screwdriver comes with a die cast magnetic base (featuring a Gallifreyan deisgn) which means that, when not in use, it can be rested upright on display for all to see. The sonic does make for a very attractive bit of kit to have in your room, so it's a nice touch to have this feature (rather than packing it away or getting lost down the back of the sofa).

The packaging for this version of the sonic is also different to the last, this one coming in a hard case with rubber lining - like a military piece of tech - along with another beautifully designed manual (and very different in character to the Eleventh Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver Universal Remote manual). And there's even secret morse code messages tucked away containing well-known David Tennant Tenth Doctor phrases!

Visit The Wand Company for more info HERE

Coming up soon on Blogtor Who will be a full interview with the guys at The Wand Company and a review of The Tenth Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver Universal Remote Control itself. But, as a taster for the future, I did ask if more sonic screwdrivers were in the pipeline, from previous Doctors. The guys said they were constantly being inundated with requests for "older sonics" - so who knows!

Thanks to The Wand Company and Firebox

Pictures courtesy of Cameron K McEwan 

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