Doctor Who Magazine 465

The latest issue of Doctor Who Magazine is out now! Click on the cover for a bigger version and check out the details below:

This November sees the release of THE LIGHT AT THE END, a very special audio drama produced by Big Finish, which unites FIVE Doctors and a host of companions. DWM was present at the recording and spoke to the cast, including TOM BAKER, PETER DAVISON, COLIN BAKER, SYLVESTER McCOY and PAUL McGANN!

“It’s very important to celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who,” says Sylvester McCoy, “and it’s so exciting, too. It’s really nice that people treat you in a very loving and caring way, and they like to see you. And it’s great to come together with the other actors who played Doctor Who.” 
 “You’re guaranteed that... that energy, and that presence, and that sense of humour,” adds Paul McGann, about Doctors uniting.
 “To have us all together is a kind of critical mass of uranium,” Colin Baker smiles, “that should produce something pretty explosive!”
 “I think it’s very important that we do something to commemorate the 50th anniversary,” agrees Peter Davison, “It’s very nice to be a part of something that’s been running for 50 years and is still going strong.”
“In Waitrose,” adds Tom Baker, “a certain kind of old lady finds me quite interesting…”

Doctor Who's showrunner and head writer, STEVEN MOFFAT, answers DWM readers' questions. So how and why did the TARDIS explode in THE PANDORICA OPENS? Find out Steven’s reply in his exclusive column.

The Third Doctor and Jo encounter creatures from the bottom of the ocean in one of the best-loved stories of the 1970s. Discover fascinating new facts and intriguing new insights into the adventure, as THE FACT OF FICTION digs beneath the surface of THE SEA DEVILS!

DWM rolls back the clock to 2012 – five adventures, each of which could have been a movie! Stand by for action, as DWM takes a nostalgic look at a season filled with dinosaurs, Angels and Daleks as COUNTDOWN TO 50 continues.

All the latest official news; DVD, CD and book reviews; the latest merchandise previewed; prize-winning crossword and competitions; and much, much more!

DWM 465, on sale Thursday 19 September priced £4.75.

Thanks to Doctor Who Magazine