The Doctors Revisited - The Ninth Doctor

BBC America celebrates the Ninth Doctor, Christopher Eccleston, in a new special of Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited. Eccleston heralded the return of the show and was the first Doctor to appear in the 21st century. The special begins with lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat, writer Neil Gaiman, John Barrowman (Captain Jack Harkness) who played the Ninth Doctor’s companion, and actor Noel Clarke (Mickey Smith), among others, discussing Eccleston portraying a no nonsense, hard hitting and straight talking Doctor. The special is followed by the Ninth Doctor two-part story Bad Wolf and The Parting of Ways. Watch a trailer in the player below.

Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited – The Ninth Doctor premieres Sunday, September 29, 8:00pm ET/PT.

The series will air later this year in the UK on Watch.