The Who's Who of Doctor Who

As followers to the Blogtor Who Twitter account will be aware, Blogtor has a Doctor Who book coming out in the new year. Written by the site's creator, Cameron K McEwan, it is titled The Who's Who of Doctor Who: A Whovian's Guide to Friends, Foes, Villains, Monsters, and Companions to the Good Doctor and will be available from January 2014.

The book contains many fascinating and fun photoographs buy it also includes original artwork by Doctor Who illustrator Andrew Skilleter (visit his website HERE). Speaking to Blogtor Who, the artist said: "I was very surprised when I was contacted during the first week of September by Race Point Publishing, New York, about illustrating a forthcoming Doctor Who book. An agreement was reached very quickly and by the end of September forty colour drawings were completed and uploaded. It was a very exciting and satisfying experience made possible by the unqualified appreciation and support of Jeannine Dillon, the Editorial Director -  a bit of serendipity that has brought me back into the sphere of Doctor Who professionally."

Buy on Amazon [US] HERE or on Amazon [UK] HERE.

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