The BBC have announced that Episode 10 of Doctor Who Series 9 will be written by newcomer to the show, Sarah Dollard, and also feature the return of actor Joivan Wade, who played Rigsy in Flatline. Dollard has worked on shows such as Being Human and The Game whilst the story is directed by Justin Molotnikov (Merlin, Atlantis). Filming has begun on the episode (see pic above).
Sarah commented: "Getting to play in the Doctor Who toy box is a dream come true. It’s a total honour to contribute to a show that has brought me such joy as a fan. However, writing for Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman has presented a serious problem: some days I've been too excited to actually sit down and type!’
The episode sees the return of Joivan Wade as Rigsy, the young graffiti artist who helped save the world in Flatline. He’ll be reunited with The Doctor (Peter Capaldi) and Clara (Jenna Coleman) in this new adventure although how and why he finds himself mixed up with the time traveling heroes is currently under wraps!
Peter Capaldi was spotted filming today in Cardiff sporting a new red velvet jacket as The Twelfth Doctor. Also with him were Jenna Coleman - check out a gallery of pics HERE.
Doctor Who will return to BBC One this Autumn with further casting to be announced.