The new television show from former Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies and writer Phil Ford (The Waters Of Mars and a number of brilliant stories from The Sarah Jane Adventures) starts Oct 29 on CBBC.
Wizards Vs Aliens will air on a Monday and Tuesday at 5.15pm with Part One and Part Two of each story on each day. There will also be a repeat showing of the episodes on Saturday mornings at 10am.
The first story, Dawn of the Nekross, is written by Phil Ford - you can see promo pics HERE and HERE and read the synopses HERE.
Grazlax Attacks is also written by Phil Ford. Read the synopses HERE, see promo pics HERE and listen to the podcast HERE.
Rebel Magic is written by Joseph Lidster (The Sarah Jane Adventures, Torchwood). You can read the synopses HERE and see promo pics HERE.
Friend of Foe is written by former Doctor Who Magazine editor Clayton Hickman and stars Ruthie Henshall. Read the synopses HERE and see promo pics HERE.
Fall of the Nekross will air Monday Nov 26 and Tuesday Nov 27. This story is written by Gareth Roberts (The Lodger, The Unicorn & the Wasp) and features the voice of Gabriel Woolf (Pyramids of Mars, The Impossible Planet). Read the synopses HERE and see promo pics HERE.
The finale, The Last Day, will air Monday Dec 3 and Tuesday Dec 4. It's written by Phil Ford, directed by Joss Agnew and stars Jennifer Hennessy (Gridlock). Read the synopses HERE.
Keep up to date on all the news on Wizards Vs Aliens HERE.
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