Who Are You Supposed To Be? is a light-hearted comedy from Australian writer, Keith Gow, workshopped by the London team of Cameron K McEwan, Emrys Matthews and Jennifer Lusk featuring a very strong
Doctor Who element. The play premiered at the Edinburgh Festival
Fringe earlier this year and is appearing in London next month -
buy tickets HERE.
Founded in the team’s real experiences of being fans/geeks, the play explores both the passion and excitement of being a fan/geek as well as its more problematic elements. Gow and Lusk actually met at the Melbourne preview screening of
Serenity, a film which has a mention in the play. Meanwhile, McEwan, who runs the popular
Doctor Who fan website
Blogtor Who (you know, the one you're reading right now), with fellow blogger and reviewer, Matthews, provided much of the additional material for the script.
“The play is intensely heavily researched (without wishing to stereotype ‘geek’ culture...) and also delightfully consistent in its usage of this research.” - Broadway Baby
Directed by Emrys Matthews
Etcetera Theatre - 265 Camden High Street, London, NW1 7BU
Sun Nov 10, 8.30pm, Fri Nov 15, 9.30pm and Sun Nov 17, 8.30pm
Buy tickets HERE