Character Options have released details about a Doctor Who toy set - the "Dalek Patrol Ship and Pilot". Click on the images included here for bigger, Dalekier versions and check out the details below.
This highly detailed deluxe Dalek battle vehicle features a real working cannon; lock onto your target press the button and fire! Also includes pop-off armoured flight panels and an exclusive 3.75-inch Dalek action figure.

the midst of the Time War, the Daleks surround the planet Gallifrey
with their saucer ships and battle hardened Patrol Ships pummelling the
surface. The War Doctor – an hitherto-unknown “hidden” incarnation of
the Doctor, decides to trigger an ancient weapon of mass destruction
called “The Moment”, which will destroy both the Time Lord and the Dalek
races completely.
The Eleventh Doctor advises of plans to place Gallifrey in stasis and hide it outside of regular time and space. As the Daleks surround the planet ready to obliterate it, the three Doctors reveal they have recruited their past selves, and as well as a future incarnation, the planet is dematerialised to safety as the Daleks annihilate themselves in their own crossfire.
Thanks to Character OptionsLabels: Dalek Patrol Ship and Pilot, Dalek Toy, Dalek Toy Images, Dalek Toy Pictures, doctor who toy, Doctor Who Toys, Dr Who Toy, Dr Who Toy Pictures, dr who toys